In-house training at Develer

The technological and digital world is our passion: we like to learn about new, effective and amazing tools to use every day; for this reason at Develer we place great importance on in-house training, which is continuously promoted with a whole series of initiatives and benefits.
Training events
One of the values that we Develerans value is the sharing of knowledge and in fact the events we organise are all inspired by this principle.
There are many opportunities to acquire new skills at Develer:
The Develer courses: we regularly organise free specialisation courses not only on specific technologies but also on everything that could assist us: agile working methods, team working and foreign languages.
The techLabs: every month we create high-tech training workshops, held by both our specialists and by external speakers. They aim to broad knowledge of a specific technology or a of particular work tool.
The conferences: these are notorious events in the IT sector, which have great educational relevance: QtDay, GoLab, LinuxLab and RustLab are just a few examples of the made in Develer formats.
The TPS (Technical Projects Stories): we set up periodic meetings between Develerans. Their main purpose is to share both the experiences and the choices made by one team during a project with the members of the other teams.
Training budget
Each Develeran has a budget available for their personal training, both in terms of time and cost, that can be used throughout the year to attend courses, seminars, conferences, to purchase books or any other materials necessary in order to learn new skills.

Training and environment
One of the most important educational experiences is then daily life with fellow developers, project managers and tech leaders. An environment that is professional – but at the same time friendly – created by people with a passion for well-structured code, where everything is designed to promote team work with satisfying results: from the comfortable workstations to the training rooms.
Visit our “Careers” page to learn about other aspects of life at Develer and follow us on our social channels.