What it is: Example of IoT Device Programming
When: Wednesday, June 19th, from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM
By: Daniele Basile
For whom: The event is open to everyone
Cost: Free entry, aperitivo included!
Where: Student Hotel
Session Abstract
Daniele Basile is an electronic engineer passionate about technology, who has been designing embedded systems for the industrial sector at Develer for over 15 years.
What is an IoT device? We will shed some light on the world of IoT by developing a simple application for a custom-designed device. We will use the device designed in the previous workshop titled “IoT. A Practical Example: Starting from Hardware (Part One)” held by Lorenzo Baglioni.
The goal of this workshop is to familiarize participants with the embedded world, understand how to interact with hardware and develop a simple IoT application. We will highlight all the necessary components to interface our device with the Cloud.
In the first part, we will describe the IoT world and its components, delve into how our device is built and how it is initially programmed. In the second part, we will develop a real IoT application to use with our physical device.
During the evening, the following topics will be covered:
- Introduction to the IoT world
- The development environment and related tools
- How our device is built and how to interface with the hardware
- Our first “Hello World!”
- Going to the Cloud
Session Objectives
Gain familiarity with Embedded IoT systems.
Participation Requirements
- Basic programming knowledge
- Basic knowledge of C
- Basic knowledge of Python and Lua is recommended
What to Bring
To participate in the practical part, you need your own computer, preferably running Mac OS or Linux; Windows can also be used, but all proposed examples have not been tested on it. The programming examples will be done using NodeMCU (https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io) where scripts will be written in Lua.
Required Tools
- A simple text editor with syntax highlighting for Lua (Visual Studio Code is suitable), otherwise, any simple text editor will work.
- To upload scripts, install: https://github.com/kmpm/nodemcu-uploader
- Optional, to upload firmware: https://github.com/espressif/esptool
- A serial emulator like minicom, picocom, Arduino IDE serial monitor, Hyperterm, Putty, or your preferred tool.
- Arduino IDE with the ESP8266 board extension: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
- Not necessary, Docker, for compiling various firmware
- Optional, MicroPython (https://micropython.org/download) firmware
- Optional, GoLang, for modifying the server