Cross-platform application (desktop and mobile) for dispenser control

Touch & Tint
The request

Corob S.p.A. is one of the world’s most important companies in the device sector for tinting systems in the industrial field.

The company turned to Develer for designing and implementing a cross-platform application for remote control of dye dispensers to be made available to its clients.

Several functionalities were required for managing customized formulas, catalog, customers, and orders for offering users maximum support during the sales process.

Challenges faced
Solutions implemented

  • Design and implement a cross-platform application for remote control of dispensers
Develer’s contribution
  • Created the application for Android and desktop systems
  • Communication design with the device
  • Created Corob Cloud
  • A single application for different devices
  • Reduced development costs
Advantages of our solution

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Advantages of our approach

Thanks to our multidisciplinary skills, we met the client’s needs through integrating very different technologies, adding functionality, and completing everything with the creation of the Corob Cloud portal, a true connection point between production and client companies.


“A project that clearly highlights Develer’s strengths: talented people, strong expertise in very different areas, and client satisfaction.”

Massimiliano Atzori Project manager